
Hi! I'm Aravind Venugopal

I am a Business Analyst originally from India and currently based out of San Francisco.

Checkout my resume

Contact me here!

Email: venugopal.aravind94@gmail.com

Phone: (628)-233-9910


I'm a Business Analyst from San Francisco, CA. I aim to uncover atleast a few secrets hidden under the mountains of data with my work.

Originally from India, I began my analytical career as a Data Scientist in the world’s largest pure-play data analytics company, Mu Sigma. There I worked with the retail industry, working mainly on assortment planning and Market basket analysis. Also leveraged Python/Django for creating web applications for enabling data-driven range optimization and pricing decisions. Currently pursuing a Masters in Business Analytics at the University of California, Davis, set to graduate in August 2020.

Name: Aravind Venugopal

Address: 1251, 38th Avenue, San Francisco CA 94122

Phone: (628)-233-9910


Trainee Decision Scientist - Mu Sigma business solutions

2017 - 2019

A category defining data analytics firm providing big data services, decision sciences and helping enterprises in data-driven decision making.
  • Created a web-based decision board for one of the largest retailers in UK to enable data-driven range optimization and pricing decisions resulting in over 3 million Pounds in impact.
  • Implemented an ensemble of time-series models which was used to predict the impact of removing and/or adding products to the shelf with an accuracy of over 80%.
  • Learned and trained several people on using and implementing Django as a python based web framework for creating large scale web applications
  • Implemented models using Random Forest and Text based CNN for multi-label intent classification and sentiment analysis
  • Spearheaded a project which utilized python to set up and automate extremely large data extraction, transformation and updating processes


Masters in Business Analytics - University of California, Davis

USA - California

2019 - Present

Bacheclor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering - University of California

India - Kerala

2013 - 2017

My Skills











Power BI/Tableau
